CAML Tips n Tricks
CAML --- Collaborative Application Markup Language
1) CAML query to fetch a record :
SPWeb oWebsite = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList oList = oWebsite.Lists["Announcements"];
string strQuery = "<Where>" +
"<Eq>" +
"<FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
"<Value Type='Number'>1</Value>" +
"</Eq>" +
SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
oQuery.Query = strQuery;
SPListItemCollection ItemCol = oList.GetItems(oQuery);
if (ItemCol.Count > 0)
string strTitle = ItemCol[0]["Title"].ToString();
2) CAML query to fetch highest/lowest record :
//To get highest value set Ascending to False else to
//get lowest value don't use it (by-default Ascending is set to True).
string strQuery = "<OrderBy>" +
"<FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='False' />" +
SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
oQuery.Query = strQuery;
//Set the RowLimit, so that it fetch only 1 record which is the required one.
oQuery.RowLimit = 1;
3) CAML query to fetch only the required columns instead of all columns (by-default) :
//Specify only the required columns name in ViewFields.
string strViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
"<FieldRef Name='Title'/>" +
"<FieldRef Name='Name'/>";
SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
oQuery.ViewFields = strViewFields;
4) CAML query to update SPListItem(s) in batch/bulk :
//Current WebSite.
SPWeb oWebsite = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
// Set up the variables to be used.
StringBuilder methodBuilder = new StringBuilder();
string batch = string.Empty;
string batchFormat = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<ows:Batch OnError=\"Return\">{0}</ows:Batch>";
SPList oList = oWebsite.Lists["Announcements"];
//Get SPList's ID
string listGuid = oList.ID.ToString();
//Here we are going to change 'Title' Column/SPField of SPListItem.
string methodFormat = "<Method ID=\"{0}\">" +
"<SetList>" + listGuid + "</SetList>" +
"<SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">Save</SetVar>" +
"<SetVar Name=\"ID\">{1}</SetVar>" +
"<SetVar Name=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Title\">{2}</SetVar>" +
//Set the RowLimit, to optimize the performance.
query.RowLimit = 100;
SPListItemCollection unprocessedItems = oList.GetItems(query);
//Process all the returned items in this page
// Build the CAML update commands.
for (int i = 0; i < unprocessedItems.Count; i++)
//SPListItem ID
int itemID = unprocessedItems[i].ID;
//Set the new value, based on the requirement/logic.
//Here you can use an Array or a Constant string.
string newValue = "Sample";
//string newValue = myArray[i];
methodBuilder.AppendFormat(methodFormat, itemID, itemID, newValue);
// Build the final string.
batch = string.Format(batchFormat, methodBuilder.ToString());
// Process the batch of commands.
string batchReturn = oWebsite.ProcessBatchData(batch);
//Gets an object used to obtain the next set of rows in a paged view of a list.
query.ListItemCollectionPosition = unprocessedItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;
} while (query.ListItemCollectionPosition != null);
Reference :
Batch Updating List Items in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Excellent Avinash!!!
Thanks for this quick and accurate info!
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for providing such a useful info. Just one more suggestion required. I require to implement custom paging. In this if user is currently on 1 page and he clicks directly on 10 th Page, then how would i fetch record. I have explored the related propertires of SPList i.e. RowLimit and ListItemCollectionPosition.. but these suffice only when user clicks pages in continuation like 1,2 3, 4.. How should i jump these pages.
Assume you are displaying records based on ID (as an example).
Now you want to directly fetch records between 100 and 110 (10th paging).
You can write a SPQuery that will use "Greater than or Equal to" (Geq) and "Less than and Equal to" (Leq) operations to fetch in-between records.
string strQuery = "<Where>" +
"<And>" +
"<Geq>" +
"<FieldRef Name='ID' />" +
"<Value Type='Number'>100</Value>" +
"</Geq>" +
"<Leq>" +
"<FieldRef Name='ID' />" +
"<Value Type='Number'>110</Value>" +
"</Leq>" +
"</And>" +
~ Avinash
thanks for your help. But this will not suffice if some of the IDs are deleted from the List. I need to find for eg 21st to 30th records irrespective of their IDs then what should be the approach.
You can get the column name and its value by:
string startID = splist.Items[100].ID;
string endID = splist.Items[110].ID
~ Avinash
hi sir,how to code about setvar mathod format and batch format. I am not getting the way..
how do we write setvar script..?
plz revert me..
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