Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Converting Office Word and Office Excel Forms to Office InfoPath

Ways to convert an Office Word to Office Infopath---

1) Select the Word file that you want to covert.

2) Open Office Infopath and select “Import a Form…” link.

3) Select “InfoPath importer for Word documents”.

4) Browse the Word file that you want to import. To set the Import options click Options button.

5) In Import Options dialog box, select appropriate Layout as per you requirement.

6) After successfully Importing Office Word file, Import Wizard displays the message.

7) Now your Office Word is successfully imported to Office Infopath.

To import an Office Excel, follow same steps, except select “InfoPath importer for Word documents” instead of “InfoPath importer for Word documents”.


Vinod said...

SQL Script to enable/disable foreign key constraints:

declare @i int, @rc int, @sql varchar(250)
create table #temp (id int identity, table_name nvarchar(128), constraint_name nvarchar(128))
insert into #temp
select object_name(fkeyid) , object_name(constid)
from sysreferences where rkeyid = object_id('YourTableNameHere')
set @rc = @@rowcount
set @i = 1
while @i <= @rc
select @sql = 'alter table ' + table_name + ' nocheck constraint all ' from #temp where id = @i
exec (@sql)
set @i = @i + 1
drop table #temp

Vinod said...

Function to replace all numbers from a string

private string ReplaceNumbersInString(string strSource)
string result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strSource, @"[0-9]", "");
return result;

Vinod said...

Function to return all numbers from a string

private string ReturnNumbersFromString(string strSource)
string result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strSource, @"[^\d]*", "");
return result;

Vinod said...

To enable the constraints replace "nocheck" with "check"
